Lex Bolisay

Lex Bolisay was born and raised in New Jersey, growing up focusing solely on singing and playing instruments. At the beginning of college, she was introduced to the hip hop dance community and has been immersed in building that craft ever since. Lex has had a wide range of team and project experience, being one of the original members of The Wannabes, and has a passion for creating, teaching, and community growth. Lex is diligent about challenging herself and following her curiosity by delving into other styles in hip hop, contemporary, heels, and now IMGE’s style. Lex dreams to be a holistically well-rounded artist, incorporating film, writing, music, and other mediums in addition to dance in order to tell stories. Through her dance journey, Lex is excited to absorb as much culture as she can in a mindful manner and connect with the talented individuals around her. Above all, Lex strives to be a positive, inspiring force in whatever space she enters, and is incredibly excited to continue her journey on IMGE!